Application To Join SPELL JIF:

1. Click HERE to download the SPELL Application. Save this fillable PDF form to your computer and complete.

Required Supplemental Applications – CYBER:

2. Click HERE to download the 2024-25 Cyber Liability Application Download this fillable PDF form to your computer and complete.

Directions to sign the Application on a MAC using Preview

SPELL JIF 2024-2025 Cyber Application Guide

Vendor Security Due Diligence Checklist   |   Data Privacy Provisions for Vendor Agreements

Required Supplemental Application – ENVIRONMENTAL/MOLD:

3. Click HERE to download the Environmental Liability Application Save this fillable form to your computer and complete.

In addition, please supply the JIF Administrator’s office with the following information in order to begin the SPELL JIF application process:

  1. Five Years of Loss Runs (all lines) Open and Closed Files
  2. Most Current ASSA Report – Summary
  3. Most Current CAFR Report – Not Required
  4. Most Recent Appraisal Information or Statement of Values
  5. Printout of Auto and Watercraft Fleet Including Description, VIN #, Registration and Vehicle Cost

Application approaches to consider:

  • Gather the above information, and call the JIF Administrator’s office to notify and schedule pick-up.
    • Have your Risk Management Consultant gather the information, contacting your staff only for verification or information they may not have in their possession.
      • Advise your Risk Management Consultant that they may contact the JIF Administrator’s office at any time with all questions.
    • To Reach the JIF Administrator’s office, call:

Craig Wilkie, Deputy Executive Director
Area Vice President, Risk Program Administrators
P: (856) 446-9128

Scott Tennant, Deputy Executive Director
Area Vice President, Risk Program Administrators
P: (856) 446-9181

We Accept Partial Term Memberships

The School Pool for Excess Liability Limits Joint Insurance Fund (SPELL  JIF) is pleased to announce that they are now accepting partial term memberships in the school Joint Insurance Fund.

In the past, districts could only apply for membership if all lines of coverage (Workers’ Compensation, Property, Auto & General Liability, Educators/School Board Legal Liability) were up for renewal.

By accepting partial term memberships, districts interested in exploring membership are permitted to apply for partial term membership as applicable lines of coverage come up for renewal until an all lines membership is achieved.

A SPELL JIF Board of Trustees Delegate, Mr. Richard Kaz, Jr., School Business Administrator from Northern Burlington County Regional School District, explained that “districts have been able to save thousands of dollars by participating in the fund.  School districts save in two ways when they and their joint insurance funds do not have losses.  No, or fewer, losses generate return funds to the district and drives down future costs. ”

Any district interested in joining the fund can contact the Executive Director’s Office at 856-446-9128 and speak with Craig Wilkie or email at

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