Thank you to Outgoing Chair Jonathan Houdart

  At the January ACCASBO JIF meeting, members presented 2023-24 Chair Jonathan Houdart with a gift for his year leading the JIF.  Mr. Houdart, School Business Administrator for the Brigantine Public School District, has previously served as Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Chair of the Safety Committee. In 2014 he was recognized as the JIF Safety Star, and in 2023, Brigantine Public Schools won the Safety District of the Year Award. We thank you for your leadership and look forward to many more years working with you. Presenting the plaque is ACCASBO Vice Chair Dr. Diane...

GCSSD Celebrates at the Annual Awards Dinner

Each year, the Gloucester, Cumberland, Salem School Districts Joint Insurance Fund (GCSSD JIF) celebrates member school district successes at their Annual State of the Joint Insurance Fund Dinner. The dinner meeting is organized to reward and recognize the extraordinary efforts of member districts for their commitment to provide a safe and healthy environment for students, staff and community by actively participating in risk management programs. Rewards were earned by Members who reduced the number of accidents by focusing on local safety efforts. Utilizing GCSSD JIF safety services, districts build and maintain responsive internal accident reporting systems.  Member Districts were acknowledged for their hard work with recognition plaques and monetary awards. In all, twenty-three (23) member school districts were recognized and received awards totaling $107,000. Jeremy Warburton, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for Upper Deerfield School District received the Safety Star of the Year Award.   From security planning, to lighting to repairing and updating equipment to overall inspections of the facilities, he has been a valuable employee and has made significant contributions to the health and safety programs throughout the school district. Elk Township School District, Gateway Regional School District, Pennsville Public School District and Salem County Vocational Technical School District were each recognized as Safety District of the Year for their ongoing contribution to safety efforts, earning an additional $2,500 reward. Click Here to View the GCCSD SOJ Dinner Presentation       Safety District Of The Year Winners: Elk Township School District, Gateway Regional School District, Pennsville Public School District, and Salem County Vocational-Technical School District...

BCIP JIF Celebrates 40 Years at the State of the JIF Dinner

Each year, the Burlington County Insurance Pool Joint Insurance Fund (BCIP JIF) celebrates member school district successes at their Annual State of the Joint Insurance Fund Dinner. The dinner meeting is organized to reward and recognize the extraordinary efforts of member districts for their commitment to provide a safe and healthy environment for students, staff and community by actively participating in risk management programs. Rewards were earned by members who reduced the number of accidents by focusing on local safety efforts. Utilizing BCIP JIF safety services, districts build and maintain internal accident reporting systems.  Member Districts were acknowledged for their hard work with recognition plaques and monetary awards. Sandy Marlys, School Nurse, Magnolia Borough Board of Education received the Safety Star of the Year award. She created multiple initiatives to promote physical health and safety in the district. Her efforts include implementing lifesaving classes for CPR/AED/Epi-pen training that equip staff and students with skills to foster a culture of preparedness and safety. Robert Phillips, Custodian/Groundskeeper from Southampton Township Board of Education also received the Safety Star of the Year award. He consistently goes above and beyond to maintain the school district’s grounds and athletic fields. His commitment to excellence ensures that any concerns are promptly addressed, and the safety of the students is his top priority. Audubon Public Schools, Delanco Township Board of Education, Collingswood Public Schools, Ewing Public Schools, and Northern Burlington County Regional School District were recognized as Safety Districts of the Year for their ongoing contribution to safety efforts, each earning an additional $2,500 reward. In all, forty-three (43) member school districts were recognized and received...

ACCASBO Celebrates at the State of the JIF Dinner

Each year, the Atlantic & Cape May Counties Association of School Business Officials Joint Insurance Fund (ACCASBO JIF) celebrates member school district successes at their Annual State of the Joint Insurance Fund Dinner. This special event serves as a platform to honor and reward the exceptional dedication shown by member districts in ensuring a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, and the community through active participation in risk management programs. In all, twenty-five (25) member school districts were recognized and received awards totaling $109,000. Sarah Foley, Curriculum Supervisor of Estell Manor School District Received Safety Hero of the Year.  Sarah saved a co-worker’s life by administering the Heimlich maneuver at a work event. Sarah’s ability to remain focused in such a stressful situation serves as a powerful reminder of how vital it is for organizations to prioritize safety training for all employees. Through Sarah Foley’s quick response and calm demeanor, a colleague’s life was saved, showcasing not only her professional skills but also her commitment to the safety and well-being of others. Anthony Poretto, Technology Coordinator of Hamilton Township School District received the Safety Star of the Year Award.  Anthony’s efforts to improve the district’s technology infrastructure have resulted in substantial safety advancements. By implementing comprehensive network security protocols, user access controls, and surveillance enhancements, he has reduced vulnerabilities and safeguarded sensitive information against potential threats. Mainland Regional High School, Margate Board of Education and Northfield Board of Education were recognized as Safety Districts of the Year for their ongoing contribution to safety efforts, each earning an additional $2,500 reward.  Click Here to View the ACCASBO Award Presentation ...

SPELL Attends the 2024 NJSBA Workshop

  The SPELL once again participated in the NJSBA Annual Workshop held in Atlantic City in October 2024. We enjoy attending the conference each year, and this year was no exception. It was a pleasure to meet members in person and to welcome all participants to our newly designed booth.                      ...

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