2015-16 JIF Enhancements, Improvements & Additions
Coverage Enhancements General Liability as of 7/1/2015 Limit of Liability has increased from $15,000,000 per occurrence to $20,000,000 per occurrence for ALL members and new members effective July 1, 2015. Increased General Liability Bodily Injury Sub-Limit for Sexual Abuse / Molestation to $5,000,000 per occurrence for ALL members and new members effective July 1, 2015. Automobile Liability Limit of Liability has increased from $15,000,000 per accident to $20,000,000 per accident for ALL members and new members effective July 1, 2015. Educators Legal Liability Limit of Liability has increased from $15,000,000 per claim to $20,000,000 per claim for ALL members and new members effective July 1, 2015. Educators Legal Liability Aggregate Limit was increased from $15,000,000 per year per JIF to $20,000,000 per year per Member District. Increased Limit of Liability for Sexual Abuse / Molestation from $15,000,000 per claim to $20,000,000 per claim for ALL members and new members effective July 1, 2015. Continuing Coverage & Service Enhancements Pollution / Mold Program Maintained FIRST Party mold remediation & 3rd Party Liability / Same Limits, Retentions & Retro Date Cyber Liability Program Same Limits & Retentions / Expanded Services Human Resource Risk Management Helpline – Carried Forward Increased Safety Incentive & Financial Performance Awards – Carried Forward Continuing Added Value Program SPELL JIF Environmental Hotline 866-565-1304 The SPELL JIF Environmental Hotline with Hillman Consulting is an exclusive service intended to help Member Districts manage environmental events, such as mold or IAQ, as simply and with the lowest cost as may be possible. The Hotline allows member districts to risk manage today against future events and provide important risk management objectives...